Custom Settings

Using Custom Settings

You can create custom settings for new sport or dfs site. For this, you should create a settings class inherited from BaseSettings class and provide all necessary information according to the rules you want.

from pydfs_lineup_optimizer import LineupOptimizer
from pydfs_lineup_optimizer.settings import BaseSettings, LineupPosition

class CustomSettings(BaseSettings):
    site = 'Site Name'
    sport = 'Sport Name'
    budget = 100  # budget you want to use
    max_from_one_team = None  # if needed
    min_teams = None  # if needed
    min_games = None  # if needed
    csv_importer = None  # If player will be imported using load_players_from_csv method
    positions = [  # list of all positions
        LineupPosition('G', ('PG', 'SG')),  # First argument is name of position in lineup,
                                            # second is allowed player positions for this lineup position
        # etc

optimizer = LineupOptimizer(CustomSettings)